Pemantauan Status Gizi Ditinjau Dari Berat Badan, Umur dan Tinggi Badan Anak Balita
nutritional status, weight, height, toddlersAbstract
The toddler period is a golden age, because at this time there is very rapid growth and development. One measurement of the growth of toddlers can be assessed from the child's weight and height. Medical personnel enter the results of weighing and measuring body weight and height into the KIA (Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak) book, then analyzed related to the nutritional status of children under five. The purpose of community service on monitoring nutritional status in terms of body weight and height is to determine and analyze weight and height with the nutritional status of children under five.Method The implementation of the activity begins with measuring and weighing the weight of children under five. The results of weight weighing and height measurement are analyzed whether growth is appropriate for the child's age. Then this activity continued with IEC to parents about nutritional status and nutritional needs in children. The success of this activity is expected to meet the nutritional needs of children so that children can grow optimally according to the age of the child.
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