Sosialisasi Peningkatan Kesehatan Anak Usia 4-6 Tahun Dengan Penerapan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) Pada Era Pandemi Covid-19
Hygiene, Health, brush teeth from an early ageAbstract
Tooth brushing from an early age is a child's behavior in maintaining healthy teeth in improving dental health and hygiene so that children understand and practice independently good and correct tooth brushing. The purpose of the community service carried out for PG Muslimat NU 063 Al-Jannah Cokromenggalan children in Ponorogo district is to provide education and to provide information to PG Muslimat NU 063 Al-Jannah Cokromenggalan children in Ponorogo district about brushing teeth from an early age to improve dental health and hygiene. The target for this activity was the children of PG Muslimat NU 063 Al-Jannah Cokromenggalan, Ponorogo district. The activities were carried out at PG Muslimat NU 063 Al-Jannah Cokromenggalan, Ponorogo district. The method of carrying out the activity begins with asking questions to the children of PG Muslimat NU 063 Al-Jannah Cokromenggalan, Ponorogo Regency. Asking this question is to find out how many children of PG Muslimat NU 063 Al-Jannah Cokromenggalan, Ponorogo district, have understood tooth brushing from an early age. Then the core activities were continued by giving lecture material by the extension team and practicing the right toothbrush. The question and answer session at the end of the event was followed by an evaluation of the Children of PG Muslimat NU 063 Al-Jannah Cokromenggalan, Ponorogo Regency. To carry out toothbrushing practice which aims to assess the success of the activities that have been carried out. The success of this activity is hoped that all children can understand the importance of brushing their teeth from an early age to improve the health and hygiene of children's teeth.
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