Journal Buana of Medical Record <p>The Buana Medical Record journal published by<a href=""> STIKES Buana Husada Ponorogo</a> is a peer-reviewed international journal, E-ISSN: <a href="">2986-867X</a> (Online - Electronic), Decree Publication Date: Monday, May 15, 2023This journal publishes original papers, reviews and short reports on all aspects of medical records and health information. The journal is aimed at all medical record and health information practitioners and researchers as well as those who manage and organize medical record and health information services and systems. JBMR It will also welcome for anyone involved in health information management, health information systems, and health information technology to be published in this journal. Submitted papers should be written in English for an initial review stage by the editor and a further review process by a minimum of two reviewers.</p> en-US (Humas ) (Humas Stikes Buana Huasada) Sat, 25 Mar 2023 05:41:07 +0700 OJS 60 Tinjauan Ergonomi Tata Ruang Filing Rekam Medis Guna Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kerja Petugas Rekam Medis di Puskesmas Setono Kabupaten Ponorogo <p>The filing room is a place used to store patient’s medical records. The filing room conditions is divided into 2 with non-ergonomic layout that causes the officers difficulties to working. The purpose is to find out the ergonomics of the medical record filing layout to increase work productivity of medical record officers in Setono Health Center, Ponorogo Regency. The research design is descriptive qualitative using interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The research population was 3 medical record officers with the total sampling technique. The results showed that the filing room area was confined, the roof was leaking, and the air vent was fastened. The room temperature reached 28.7°C and 29.3°C, humidity 71.6% and 72%, lighting 351.0 lux and 327.3 lux, and noise 67.0 dBA and 66.1 dBA. There are 6 storage, 1 ladder was non-ergonomic, and the room was constantly opened. The work productivity of medical record officers was in the medium category. Suggestions for the research are evaluation rearrangement the filing room, repairing leaky roofs and damaged air vents, adding AC, curtains, "STAFF ONLY" sign, and monitoring related to work discipline.</p> Hellinda Rohmawati, Ani Rosita, Ike Sureni Copyright (c) 2023 Hellinda Rohmawati, Ani Rosita, Ike Sureni Sat, 25 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Tinjauan Pengembalian Dokumen Rekam Medis di Puskesmas Setono Kabupaten Ponorogo <p>The filling of every action or consultation performed on the patient no later than 1×24 hours must be written in the medical record sheet. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of returning medical record documents at the Setono Health Center, Ponorogo Regency. The research design used descriptive qualitative research methods with the research instruments used were interviews and observations. The population in this study were medical record documents, 3 medical record officers, 6 general poly medical personnel, 2 dental poly medical personnel, 2 MCH poly medical personnel, 1 immunization coordinator and 4 ER medical personnel at the Setono Health Center The sampling technique in this study used total sampling for medical personnel and accidental sampling for medical record documents. Data were analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of research conducted during 3 working weeks at the Setono Health Center, Ponorogo Regency, it can be concluded that the percentage of delays in returning medical record documents for 12 days was 3.19%. The implementation of the return of medical record documents is reviewed from the aspects of man, material, method, machine, and money. The results of the research that has been conducted that the Setono Health Center, Ponorogo Regency has not implemented the return of medical record documents properly in terms of man, material, machine and method aspects.</p> Annisya Marwah Rahmadani, Dwi Nurjayanti, Ria Fajar Nurhastuti Copyright (c) 2023 Annisya Marwah Rahmadani, Dwi Nurjayanti, Ria Fajar Nurhastuti Sat, 25 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Tinjauan Pemeliharaan Dokumen Rekam Medis Bagian Penyimpanan di Puskesmas Wonokarto Kecamatan Ngadirojo Kabupaten Pacitan <p>Maintenance is a necessary activity with the aim of maintaining the quality of maintenance of a facility so that the facility can function properly. The purpose of this research is to find out the problems of the maintenance system, identify what facilities or facilities in the storage room, find out the impact of poor maintenance and find out the solution so that the maintenance of medical record documents in the storage section is realized. This type of research is descriptive using observation and interview methods. The population of this study were 2 medical record officers and 19 medical record documents. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data were analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of research at the Wonokarto Health Center, the implementation of maintenance of medical record documents has not been fully implemented due to the lack of facilities or facilities in the storage room, but officers have made efforts to maintain medical record documents. Suggestions for Wonokarto Health Center are to further improve the maintenance of medical record documents and complete facilities or facilities.</p> Adhimas Ridho P, Ike Sureni, Ani Rosita Copyright (c) 2023 Adhimas Ridho P, Ike Sureni, Ani Rosita Sat, 25 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Tinjauan Keamanan Aspek Fisik Dokumen Rekam Medis di Ruang Filling UPT Puskesmas Badegan Kabupaten Ponorogo <p>A good filling room in its implementation if it avoids threats, loss, negligence, disaster and can endanger medical record documents including in the physical aspect. Medical record documents whose arrangement is less neat and dusty, will tend to be easily damaged so that it affects the safety of physical aspects and can cause mold growth on documents. The purpose of this study was to determine the safety of the physical aspects of medical record documents in the filling room of the UPT Puskesmas Badegan, Ponorogo Regency. The research design used descriptive research methods with the research instruments used were observation and interviews. The population of this study were two officers in the filling room of the UPT Puskesmas Badegan, Ponorogo Regency. The sampling technique used total sampling and the data was analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of the research in the filling room UPT Puskesmas Badegan Ponorogo Regency using 80 gram HVS paper and black ink, the placement of fire extinguishers close together in the ER and the back warehouse, the lighting of the inner filling 80 lux outer filling 112 lux, the temperature of both filling 30.2oC, humidity 65%, writing prohibiting officers from entering at the front door of the inner filling, there is no insect repellent between shelves, officers do eating and drinking activities, open shelves and roll o' pack shelves, access doors are not locked, and room cleanliness is not yet optimal.</p> Ulfa Nadhifatul Qolbiyah, Dwi Nurjayanti, Rumpiati Rumpiati Copyright (c) 2023 Ulfa Nadhifatul Qolbiyah, Dwi Nurjayanti, Rumpiati Rumpiati Sat, 25 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Tinjauan Pelaksanaan Prosedur Pengembalian Dokumen Rekam Medis Rawat Inap Pasien Covid-19 di Rumah Sakit Budi Asih Trenggalek <p>The study aimed to evaluate the procedure for returning Covid-19 patients' medical record documents at Budi Asih Hospital, Trenggalek. Using descriptive qualitative research, observation, and interviews, the study focused on inpatient medical record documents, nurses, and medical record officers. Accidental and simple random sampling techniques were employed. The procedure followed the SOP stated in circular number HM.01.01/002/III/2020. While the document management during treatment adhered to the SOP, post-hospitalization management deviated from the established guidelines, such as not using yellow plastic, cardboard boxes, leaving documents for 5 days, and not cleaning them before processing. Implementations the document for Covid-19 patients management process as long as the patient was in treatment in accordance with the SOP, while document for Covid-19 patients management after the patient returned from hospitalization was not in accordance with the established SOP, such as medical record documents of Covid-19 patient were not put in yellow plastic, were not put in cardboard boxes, were not left for 5 days and medical record documents were not cleaned before paper is managed.</p> Yesi Meidiyanti, Ria Fajar Nurhastuti, Dwi Nurjayanti Copyright (c) 2023 Yesi Meidiyanti, Ria Fajar Nurhastuti, Dwi Nurjayanti Sat, 25 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0700