Tinjauan Ergonomi Tata Ruang Filing Rekam Medis Guna Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kerja Petugas Rekam Medis di Puskesmas Setono Kabupaten Ponorogo
ergonomics and work productivity,, filing room conditions, medical record filing layout,Abstract
The filing room is a place used to store patient’s medical records. The filing room conditions is divided into 2 with non-ergonomic layout that causes the officers difficulties to working. The purpose is to find out the ergonomics of the medical record filing layout to increase work productivity of medical record officers in Setono Health Center, Ponorogo Regency. The research design is descriptive qualitative using interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The research population was 3 medical record officers with the total sampling technique. The results showed that the filing room area was confined, the roof was leaking, and the air vent was fastened. The room temperature reached 28.7°C and 29.3°C, humidity 71.6% and 72%, lighting 351.0 lux and 327.3 lux, and noise 67.0 dBA and 66.1 dBA. There are 6 storage, 1 ladder was non-ergonomic, and the room was constantly opened. The work productivity of medical record officers was in the medium category. Suggestions for the research are evaluation rearrangement the filing room, repairing leaky roofs and damaged air vents, adding AC, curtains, "STAFF ONLY" sign, and monitoring related to work discipline.
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